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4 Tips to Stay Hydrated While Being Cavity-Conscious

This summer, with the BC wildfires and the general increase in temperatures globally, Vancouver has been hit hard with a smokey heat wave.

Whether we are at work, on the go, or at home, it is hard to keep cool and not sweat. As we sweat, we are expending our body's water content. In order to stay hydrated, many people opt for beverages more "flavourful" than water, like sports drinks, coconut water, iced tea, juice and more.

Many of these beverages contain sugar or acid contents, with the worst offenders being energy drinks and pop. These drinks are detrimental to our teeth by increasing the risk of cavities dramatically.

Even seemingly-healthy choices such as juice often contain a very concentrated amount of sugar.

While a choice like coconut water may seem like a healthy choice with natural minerals to help balance the body, some coconut water have unnecessary added sugar. The next time you are shopping for coconut water, read the label and choose unsweetened coconut water.

If you absolutely must quench your thirst with a sugary drink, please try to have some water with it to dilute the sugar.

4 tips to stay hydrated while being cavity-conscious:

1) Bring a water bottle, and fill it up with water only. Nothing cures thirst better than water.

2) If you crave a cold beverage, get an insulated water bottle and use it to keep your water cold throughout the day.

3) Iced black coffee or tea (without added sugar) for those who want caffeine.

4) Coconut water without the added sugar makes a good electrolyte replacement.

Note that coffee and dark teas can stain teeth over time, and removing these stains often require a professional dental cleaning.

Do you have a tip for staying hydrated during the hot days of summer? Let us know by emailing Dr. Chi-Cheng Joey Yu.

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