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New patients welcome!


Periodontal Therapy

After scaling and/or root planing, due to transient irritation of your soft tissues from our instruments and the bacteria removed, you may feel some soreness or discomfort for the next couple of days. The discomfort is well-tolerated by the majority of people, and afterwards you should notice firmer, tighter gums and decreased bleeding when brushing and flossing.

Direct Restorations (Fillings)

After having a cavity restored, if you feel that the filling is “high” when you next eat a meal, please give us a call back so we can adjust it for you promptly.

If the cavity was deep, you may experience some tenderness due to irritation to the nerve of the tooth. It should subside within a week, but if the discomfort worsens, please give us a call.


Root Canal Therapy

After a root canal is completed, there may still be residual tenderness associated with the tooth in question due to inflammation. Please take an over the counter analgesic such as Ibuprofen or Acetaminophen if needed for a few days, making sure to follow the instructions on the label of the medication.

If the root canal was done on a premolar or a molar, it is generally recommended to restore the tooth with a crown to prevent the tooth from fracturing as the back teeth do most of the chewing work in our mouths.

Oral Surgery

Please see PDF attached to the right.

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